Investor relations
Audit Committee
In accordance with article 7:99 of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code, the Audit Committee supervises, among other matters, the financial reporting process, the effectiveness of the company’s internal control and risk management systems, the Internal Audit, the statutory control of the annual accounts and the consolidated accounts, and the Auditor's independence. The Audit Committee’s terms of reference are included in the Corporate Governance Charter, which also describes the tasks of the Audit Committee in more detail.
The Audit Committee currently consists of four members. All members are Non-executive and Independent Directors in the sense of article 7:87,§1 of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code iuncto principle 3.5 of the Corporate Governance Code 2020.
Dirk Verbruggen, Chief Financial & Legal Officer (representing Roffoelkin BV) acts as Secretary of the Audit Committee.
The composition of the Audit Committee complies with the stipulations of the Recticel NV/SA articles of association and the relevant provisions of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code.
In accordance with Article 7: 100 Belgian Companies and Associations Code, Recticel declares that the Chairman of the Audit Committee, Luc Missorten, has the necessary expertise in the field of accounting and auditing. The Chairman and other members of the Audit Committee also have collective expertise in the area of the Company's activities.
Members of the Audit Committee to date
Name | Function |
Luc Missorten 1 | Chairman |
Wim Dejonghe 2 | Member |
Ingrid Merckx 3 | Member |
Elisa Vlerick 4 | Member |
1 in his capacity as permanent representative of LUBIS BV
2 from 28/05/2024 in his capacity as permanent representative of D.A.S.T. NV
3 in her capacity as permanent representative of IMRADA BV
4 in her capacity as permanent representative of MOROXCO BV